Indifference curve examples pdf

Now, we ask peter how many units of clothing is he willing to give up in exchange for an additional unit of food so that his level of satisfaction remains unchanged. For example, figure 1 presents three indifference curves that represent lillys preferences for the tradeoffs that she faces in her two main relaxation activities. Since more is better, an indifference curve cannot have a positive slope. The consumer does not mind, for example, whether he has 15 units of commodity. The indifference curve is so named because the consumer would be indifferent between choosing any one of these commodity bundles. This means that if individual is paid pe amount of money say as a cash grant, he reaches the same indifference curve ic same level of welfare at which he is when price subsidy is paid by the government on food. Aug 02, 2020 indifference curve analysis is based on the assumption of the diminishing marginal rate of substitution. The optimal consumption combination is e 1 on indifference curve u 1. An indifference curve is a contour line where utility remains constant across all points on the line. From this angle the indifference curve is horizontal to the right and vertical above. It means, only one indifference curve will pass through a given point on an indifference map. The slopes of the indifference curve and the budget line are the same i. In section 3 we analyse the agents indifference curves and ask how she makes tradeoffs between different goods.

Y is pareto preferred to x and yields a higher social welfare. Indifference curves overview, diminishing marginal. In microeconomics, indifference curve is an important tool of analysis in the study of consumer behavior. In figure 1 the curved line which passes through commodity bundle a represents an indifference. What difference does it make if the consumers preferences are homothetic.

Examples of indifference curves left and right shoes \ right shoes left shoes 1 5 7 2 4 3 8 6 i1 i2 examples of indifference curves left and right shoes \ right shoes left shoes 1 5 7 2 4 3 8 6 i1 i2 i3 examples of indifference curves third example indifference curves between bourbon and temperance lectures for w. You should illustrate all your arguments with indifference curve diagrams using simple twogood models. The only texts in our sample that utilize circular indifference curve families ar. It also helps to minimize confusion if you use a different colored pen for the budget line than that used for the indifference curve. Z is not pareto preferred to x but it is on a higher social indifference curve and is therefore socially preferred to x. You should look at tutorial 1 and the lectures slides for diagrams, and any mathematics, that. In other words, the indifference curve is the graphical representation of different combinations of goods generally two, for which the consumers are indifferent between in term of the overall satisfaction and the utility.

Each point on an indifference curve indicates that a consumer is indifferent between the two and all points give him the same utility. A will be preferred to b if a yields a higher utility than b. It has an angle at 30, 30 where the individual has 30 units of each good. Two extreme examples of indifference curves economics. What can you say about the slope of the indifference curve that passes through the point. Define an indifference curve, explain why an indifference curve is downward sloping from left to right. An indifference map of a consumer is drawn along with the various budget lines showing different prices of the good x. An indifference curve is a collection of all commodity bundles which provide the consumer with the same level of utility. Indifference curves for normal goods, substitutes and perfect complements. If the goods are perfect complements, the consumer combines the goods in a fixed proportion. Jan 12, 2018 in microeconomics, indifference curve is an important tool of analysis in the study of consumer behavior. Review of microeconomics algebraic formulation of mrs in. When one arrives at two options that are indifferent to the individual, these two points that represent them are on the same indifference curve analysis.

What types of indifference curves can be ruled out if a consumer has well behaved preferences that also satisfy strong monotonicity. Indifference curve approach, as presented by hicksallen is the basic tool of ordinal analysis of demand. The marginal rate of substitution is a fixed number. Indifference curves inherit the criticisms directed at utility more generally. If you prefer 1a to 1b then your expected utility indifference curve is similar to i1. Second, indifference curves allow us to distinguish between the income effects and substitution effects of a change in the price of a product. When the goods are easy to substitute for each other, the indifference curves are less bowed when the goods are hard to substitute, the indifference curves are very bowed. Examples of indifference curves coke or pepsi i dont care whether you have coke or pepsi, as long as it is cola.

A consumer is willing to give up one good only if he or she gets more of the other good in order to remain equally happy. The consumer can compare the relative desirability of, or indifference between, two combinations of goods without knowing the exact amount of utility and satisfaction obtained from each combination. How to derive individuals demand curve from indifference. Tutorial topic 1 michaelmas week 2 preferences and. Curves so the b ndles 4 1 and 2 2 are inso the bundles 4,1 and 2,2 are in the indiff. For example, social indifference curves based on a social welfare function on the utilities of two agents, ha and jp, could look like the following. When price of x p xfalls, to say op 1, the budget constraint shift to ab 1. Consider, for example, the third indifference curve here. Important questions for class 12 economics indifference curve. An indifference curve shows all combinations of goods that provide an equal level of utility or satisfaction. Two extreme examples of indifference curves perfect substitutestwo goods with straightline indifference curves are perfect substitutes.

For example, if bundle a and bundle b are distinct bundles and the consumer prefers. For example, we can measure the utility derived from a shirt and say. In other words, each combination on an indifference c. When these combinations are represented graphically and joined together, we get an indifference curve ic 1 as shown in fig. The indifference curves must slope down from left to. Indifference curves given the three basic assumptions disussed in the previous section, a consumers tastes and preferences can be indicated by means of an indifference curve. Here, indifference curve b is preferred to curve a, which is preferred to curve c. Indifference curves can never intersect each other. The indifference curve is drawn to predict the animals behavior at various levels of risk and food availability. Third, the indifference curve technique is an extremely useful tool which can be used to.

Four properties of indifference curves quickonomics. Indifference curve overview, analysis, example and features. The indifference curve shows the different combinations of two goods that gives equal satisfaction and utility to the consumers. So that the consumer is indifferent, between all set of bundles.

Examples of indifference curves examples of indifference curves three examples we are going to do some special cases to illustrate how some special indifference curves look. However, i2 is parallel to i1, as required by expected utility theory, but i2 forces the agent to prefer 2a to 2b. Ux,yxy kxy ykx ux,y xy22 notice that sincexy cannot be negative we are in. An example to explain indifference curves, we consider an imaginary consumer, jan burger, who consumes only two products, meat and vegetables. Higher indifference curves get higher utility number. Indifference curves overview, diminishing marginal utility. Thus, indifference curves have been used to explain the concept of consumers surplus, substitutability and complementarity of goods, supply curve of labour of an individual, several principles of welfare economics, burden of different forms of taxation, gain from foreign trade, welfare implications of subsidy granted by the government, index. Budget line pl 1 shows that price of the good x is rs. The shape of an indifference curve tells us about the consumers willingness to trade one good for the other. The several realworld examples and important applications presented in the chapter. Figure 5 perfect substitutes and perfect complements. Review of microeconomics algebraic formulation of mrs.

Indifference curve analysis applied to the demand for housing. In general, there is an indifference curve through any point in xy space. Applications of indifference curve approach microeconomics. A a normal good b an inferior good with a downwardssloping demand curve c a giffen good. Hence, the indifference curves are always convex towards the point of origin. To do this, we will analyse one commodity, beer, and assume that consumer income and the price of all other goods remains constant. Every point on the indifference curve shows that an individual or a consumer is indifferent between the two products as. Distinguish between income and substitution effects. Ux 1,x 2 x 1 12 x 2 12 a b 12 vx 1,x 2 x 1 x 2 3 a 1, b 3. Every point on the indifference curve shows that an individual or a consumer is indifferent between the two products as it gives him the same kind of utility. Applications and uses of indifference curves explained. Indifference curve analysis graph and example study notes.

And, that tangent lines slope is the slope of the indifference curve at. For example, the xaxis may measure the quantity of food available while the yaxis measures the risk involved in obtaining it. An indifference curve contains equally preferred bundles equally preferred bundles. Think back to our nice, simple example with two goods. Important questions for class 12 economics indifference. An indifference curve represents a series of combinations between two different economic goods, between which an individual would be theoretically indifferent regardless of. Their indifference curves any utility function of the form ux 1,x 2 x 1 a x 2 b with a 0 and b 0 is called a cobbdldouglas utilit f titility function. Characteristics of indifference curves with diagram. An indifference curve shows combinations of goods and services between which a consumer is indifferent. Sample question preferences graeme pearce october 18, 2018 question.

To show how indifference curves are constructed let us take the example of a consumer purchasing two goods only, apple and. The indifference curve is plotted simply by asking an individual what combination of goods he prefers. Price consumption curve of a giffen good slopes backward. Applications and uses of indifference curves explained with. Budget constraints and indifference curves understanding indifference curves page 2 of 3 this indifference curve, at this particular point, with four toys and three snacks, we would look for the straight line that is tangent to or touches the curve at that point. More hd videos and exam notes at goal is helping you to get a better grade in less time. Perfect complementstwo goods with rightangle indifference curves are perfect complements. The slope of an indifference curve shows the rate at which two goods can be exchanged without affecting the. The purpose of these examples is to show that using a geographical location criterion for. Draw the indifference curves for the following individuals preferences for two goods.

In the diagram on the next page, the initial consumer equilibrium is at point a where the initial budget line is tangent to the higher indifference curve. In other words, the indifference curve is the graphical representation of different combinations of goods generally two, for which the consumers are indifferent, in terms of the overall satisfaction and the utility. Thus the basis of indifference curve approach is the preference indifference hypothesis. First, consider the horizontal segment to the right. The indifference curve shows the different combinations of two goods that give equal satisfaction and utility to the consumers. Curves that are higher and to the right are preferred to those that are lower and to the left. An indifference curve is a graphical representation of a combined products that gives similar kind of satisfaction to a consumer thereby making them indifferent. Different parts of this question have been produced in the tutorials and in the lectures. Any combination lying on samairas indifference curve yields the same kind of satisfaction to her. However, i2 is parallel to i1, as required by expected utility theory, but i2 forces the agent to prefer.

As seen in the schedule, consumer is indifferent between five combinations of apple and banana. According to it when a consumer is presented with a number of various combinations of goods, he can order or rank them in scale of preferences. Mar 16, 2021 the indifference curve analysis is a graph showing the different combinations of two goods that report the same satisfaction to a person, and are preferred to other combinations. Indifference curve analysis can be used to show why the demand curve usually slopes down. Draw an indifference curve associated with this bundle, and explain how its slope at the equilibrium point relates to the slope of the budget line. Propertiescharacteristics of indifference curve definition. Indifference curve is a curve showing different combinations of two goods, each combination offering the same level of satisfaction to the consumer. Following are the different examples of indifference curves.

An indifference curve links all bundles of goods which are indifferent to. Definition an indifference curve is a curve which shows all the combinations of two products. The only texts in our sample that utilize circular indifference curve families ar e varian 2006, p. After an increase in the price of good 1, the consumer moves to point e. Other indifference curve examples would include a teenager who might be indifferent between owning two band teeshirts and one novel, or four novels and one band teeshirt. Here is an example to understand the indifference curve better. The concept of indifference curve analysis was first propounded by british economist francis ysidro edgeworth and was put into use by italian economist vilfredo pareto during the early 20th century. Consumption at this point is 11 units of good 1 and 8 units of good 2.

Indifference curves have a negative slope, and in special cases zero slope. Review of utility functions university of victoria. If the quantity of one good is reduced, the quantity of the other good must increase. An indifference curve defines the substitution between goods x and y that is acceptable in the mind of the consumer. Some amount of good 2 can compensate for bad 1 14 satiation another example of nonmonotonic preferences for some goods there is a perfect optimal amount examples salt in a dish anchovies on pizza. Although only three indifference curves are shown in figure 7. An indifference curve is a graph showing combination of two goods that give the consumer equal satisfaction and utility.

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